
Day 12 Impressions: That's All Folks!

Rest well good wizard. Rest well. For discussion, let's wait for after the break. 
Well this was a slightly better than expected ending for the Half Blood Prince. Art is decent, though not particularly the best in this section as debatably the film demonstrated it better. With the merpeople fairly hidden and the centaurs almost unrepresented, it was odd. Not to mention the exclusion of Gwarp in the moment. Moving on from that, the bit about the Order of Merlin was a nice touch though something that may have been able to be published earlier. Unfortunately though, it's still rather limited in what it provides. However, I can't complain of it much as it's a nice touch, though other recipients or the like may have been nice to see/hear, and it is more than what I had expected for this moment.

On the collecting front, while I am pleasantly surprised that we are not entirely limited to nothing as I expected, it seems a bit odd to be taking potion ingredients during a funeral. Nonetheless, the addition of a free doxycide ingredient is a massive relief, and sufficiently lowers the cost a bit, not by too much, but by a good deal knowing that it was far more expensive before. 

This isn't quite the most fitting end for a release, but a decent one, and that's all that I suppose anyone could have asked for. 

Stay tuned for tomorrow's post, and as always, share your thoughts below. 

1 comment:

  1. I still waiting for them to fill in the missing chapters from this book and the last and hopefully if they pull their finger out and do it we might see more pickable items to pick up for Doxy and Shrinking. And hopefully this new book will see more new pages added for new potions.


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