
Quickie Post: Top 10 "Why in that house" characters

Sooo I sit here, wondering in my thinking chair, as I tend to, why certain people are in the house they're in.  Some matches are just SO bad or so strange, that occasionally we say they may have been sorted too soon. For the top 10 list, check after the break.
10) Crabbe and Goyle - Two henchwizards that serve very little purpose to the general plot. They are never shown to be particularly ambitious, cunning, clever, or most "slytherin" traits other than the unofficial trait of "complete arse" Perhaps they did have some cunning I did not quite acknowledge, but aside from taking to the popular/Malfoy's opinion, they didn't show much that really placed them in Slytherin. You could have made them Gryffindors that were rather close to Draco and NOTHING would have changed aside from who the Polyjuice target would be.
9) Umbridge- Ok, ok, ok. I KNOW she's evil... but she's like Crabbe and Goyle in the fact that her "evil" seems like it could have come from any house, and would have been an especially interesting character as a Gryffindor, as she would have been a more "corrupt" Percy. 
8) Lockhart- Ravenclaw. He's a Ravenclaw. He can barely do most magic... and he's a Ravenclaw. I suppose he fits the "out there" part of Ravenclaw, but I can't say that it does well on his image, and to be honest, I would have expected him to be a Slytherin or a Gryffindor. 
7) Tonks- I guess she fits, but I keep feeling in the back of my head that she was a "token hufflepuff" in the Order. 
6) Cho Chang- This girl deserves half a post for herself alone, but let's go over the reason her house doesn't seem to fit her. She's not very mindful, or particularly clever in the books, yes we know she should be because she's in Ravenclaw, but from what we saw of her behavior, she could have been in Hufflepuff, and I don't think that would have significantly changed her character, though I think it could have been an improvement, as they would have dated within the house and it wouldn't be that much of a shocker that she went with Cedric over Harry.
5) Cedric- I guess I can see why he'd be in Hufflepuff. I guess, but he could have fit well in Gryffindor as well, and could have even been a mentor to Harry and big brother if he were introduced sooner in that light. Percy is a decent character for a role like this, but Cedric was much kinder, and while he had that loyalty, I think he was brave enough to be a Gryffindor, and it would have made his death a little more poignant, especially as he may try to fight back
4) Colin- This kid should have been a Slytherin based from what we saw. A small kid, obsessed with the celebrity Potter, taking pictures. Even though he wasn't a pure-blood, he would have been a good early example of a "good slytherin" especially as we see the similar Slughorn later on in the series. 
3) Wormtail- I start to feel I'm getting into conflicting territory, and definitely one of those cases where someone may have been sorted too soon. I'm not sure how he was when he was young, but I can assume he was like Neville or Quirrel, but certainly not "brave" as we would call it, though I do suppose to betray his friends, he would have to have some sort of courage or ability to stand up to his friends in that way. He could and probably should have been in Slytherin, or even Hufflepuff. 
2) Sirius/Snape- both of these are ones I would say were sorted too soon. Sirius showed his cruelty, as Snape showed his kindness, both near their deaths and both had the best brought out of them at times by Harry, while others were bringing out the worst in them. Gryffindor was a good match for Sirius in his brash nature, but the way he treated Kreatcher seems to contradict some of what we'd assume to be Gryffindor virtues and pushing him towards stereotypical Slytherin traits. In comparison, Snape was justified, but his ultimate flaw was his sort of desire for more, which both pushed him to be brave by standing against Voldemort, in order to have a chance, a small chance at saving Lily. 
1) Dumbledore- I will leave it short: he planned to sacrifice Harry, and till his sister's death, he was very questionable at times. He could have been the greatest dark wizard of all time, if he was pushed in just the right way. I suppose what pushed him into Gryffindor may have been his ability to feel love and loyalty towards others, but towards the end of the books, he says and does a quite a few things that seem so similar to a Slytherin chess master, that one may question his house at times, which is what earns him this spot on the list. 


  1. I always thought "No way Umbridge could be in Slytherin" It doesn't fit her, although she's ambicious, never felt like she's very smart in her choices. And I was quiet chocked when realized Cedric was Huflepuff... Isn't he supposed to be the best student of his year. Shouldn't it be more appropriate for him to be a sharp Ravenclaw? But yes, Gryffindor would fit him as well. In my opinion these are the two most "sorted in too soon".
    But of course that Tonks, Crevey and Cho could be something else too... Just never thought much about them.
    The sorting of Sirius/Snape and Dumbledore's are good points too...
    But this kind of randomness in sorting suits us in PM, because I don't really know if I'm ok in Slytherin. I'm enjoying it of course, but the pure blood thing and all the love for dark magic creeps me out...
    Bathilda :)

    1. I don't quite think he'd be Ravenclaw from what we saw, but I'll admit that's a close point. Though what is also intriguing, at least to me, is how Gryffindors in the series can be even worse on occasion, than Slytherins, and it is addressed, shortly and then kinda swept or hand-waved. Sirius is a sort-of-exception as he was called out on it and sort of scolded for it, and Harry learns from that.

      Dolores though... I always secretly hoped she was basically the story for "Percy Weasley gone too far" with a lawful evil approach, but alas... yet another Slytherin. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised, but it really was either lion or snake.


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