
Pottermore Point Conundrum

So something odd has happened on Pottermore. Points have vanished, and now, three of the four houses have been skyrocketing in the amount of points earned. For more information, check after the break.
Pottermore, in one of its Insider site updates posts stated that "As a one-time measure to our dedicated community, we’ve reinstated house points on accounts that were deleted from 1 August, 2013, through to the present.  This has resulted in the reinstatement of 400,000 points across all houses including a whopping 200,000-plus to Slytherin.  We are working on making this policy change permanent in the coming months." Now without trying to bring up hints of Rita Skeeter in asking this? What does this mean? It means, quite frankly, that Pottermore has been glitching up in a fairly big way regarding the House Cup, something that a few players take quite seriously, and in glitching the cup up in this way, have opened speculation that some of this has been going on for quite a while, and could even be a reason why certain houses have lagged as of lately. Now, add in a stability addition to dueling, and it makes this a bit questionable. What has Pottermore been doing with it's site? Yes, I absolutely adored the Quidditch World Cup writing, and the final was something big enough to summon a massive user base back to the site, something that hasn't been done since Pottermore first opened, though they will likely leave, as they will get bored or worse, invested in the cup only to see points deducted due to Pottermore's glitch, as not but a few days after they posted their "Mia Culpa" on the site updates effectively confessing to the deletion of a leaderboard member of slytherin as well as other high ranking slytherins, to the point where it effectively altered house standings, Slytherin lost another 96 thousand, and not but a few days after that was returned, points were taken from Slytherin again while the other houses skyrocketed with the stabilized duel system and influx of new accounts. 

As such, I can only hope that not only does Pottermore fix the glitch unfairly deleting individuals (Which, for some inexplicable reason decides to disproportionately affect Slytherins more than any other house), but looks into and reconsiders how it is counting points. The gains and rates as they are currently are just too strange, too wide to be accounted for fully, and an explanation is sorely needed for those of  us carefully watching the points and see a disproportionate rise and point growths that have no discernible cause. 

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