
A Summary: What's Coming, What's Gone On Pottermore.

Seeing as Pottermore is gone as we know it, I'm going to list off what features have remained, in sort of an FAQ. Yes there is already one on Pottermore, but I think I've already established that the people running that site are idiots. Perhaps well intentioned, but idiots.

First with the big ones:
"What happened to our accounts, will I get my house and wand back?"

Pottermore has said on Facebook that they are saving our account data. So, as far as we know right now, log in abilities will return later (they said they were working on it) and it is confirmed that sorting and wand selection will return as well. However, I'm not certain if we are keeping our old sorting, or if the quiz has been adjusted by Rowling (both would actually give reason for why they were removed in the first place, as well as you know. No more sign-in. Ideally, The sorting would then have a few alternates, so people may find out what "houses" they are for the american school. If we are even going to cover the american school.)

"So where's dueling and brewing"

They're dead. Like Dumbledore* (Spoilers).

"Where's the artwork that used to be on Pottermore, where can I find it?"

Look around. The artwork is on various pages with some rhyme/reason, if you want to look up art of something, just keep randomly typing it in the search to try and pull it up.

"Why can't I log into my account?"

No login ability now

"How do you print out my certificate" 

You cannot, but a few people have posted templates so you can fashion your own.

"Why did Pottermore do this anyways?"

I don't know, but I have theories.... GAME THEORIES... thanks for reading. Wait, wrong thing.

"Is there anything fun on Pottermore?" 

The readings? There's some decent info that gets posted, but even the reveal of the Cursed Child being in two parts was botched, as we needed twitter to clarify it. Pottermore correspondant is bad at his/her job.

"What about patronuses? There's a quiz for that coming yes?"

In a few months. Till then, eat chocolate.

"What is HEX?" 
HEX is Hogwarts Extreme, its a sort of site to role play and have mini competitions where a lot of it is homework based. Soooo

Is there anything I've missed? 

1 comment:

  1. Can I just say that I love that you quoted Game Theory? Of course I can. I love that you quoted Game Theory.


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